Teacher Caught On Video Repeatedly Using N-word, Tells Class They’re Being ‘Oversensitive’ About It

Photo Credit: Sequoia Middle School (Google Maps)

A middle school teacher in Fontana, California was caught on video repeatedly saying the N-word during class, ABC News reported. 

The teacher reportedly teaches language arts at Sequoia Middle School in California and was reading a Mark Twain novel to the class when one student pointed out the spelling of the word in the book. The video which was recorded by one of the classmates shows the teacher continually badgering the child to say the word. 

“Say it!” the teacher can be heard saying in the video. “You asked me how to spell it, so go ahead and pronounce it. N****r. Pronounce it after me, n****r.”

The student who shot the video on her phone said she was shocked to hear that coming from the teacher.

“I was just thinking, ‘Dang, this teacher is out of her mind,’”

said the child.

“The teacher got in front of the class and she was saying that the word is just an English word and everybody can say it if she wants to, it’s in the dictionary, and people are oversensitive over the word,”

the student recalled, who’s African American.

“She was trying to force him to say the word and she repeatedly kept saying it and she had a smirk on her face,”

she added.

It is unclear whether any action was taken against the teacher.

“While we acknowledge that this derogatory language comes from a novel first published in the late 1800s, and that historical context is important to consider when discussing literature, the district does not condone the language that was used in the video or using that language outside of the context of discussing the novel,”

The Fontana Unified School District told ABC News. 

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