Motel Room Where Underaged Girl Was Found With Older Man Had Been Paid For By Parent

On Monday, January 9th, deputies were sent to search an Alabama motel after the Walker County Sheriff’s Office received a call from a “a concerned family member.” According to The Telegraph, the unidentified caller claimed that an underaged relative was at the motel to meet with an older man.

“During the investigation, two underage females were discovered to be in separate rooms, each one with an adult male,” the sheriff’s office reported. “It was determined that a parent of one of the underage females drove the girl to the motel, rented the room, then left the child unattended at some point.”

After learning the identities of the two men in the motel, it was discovered that they were wanted for unrelated charges. The two men, whose names have yet to be released, were then arrested and taken to the Jasper Police Department in Walker County. The parent who dropped off one of the teenaged girls and paid for the motel room was also arrested. They have been charged with endangering the welfare of a child.

“This is a very heartbreaking situation, and thinking about this entire situation will make anyone physically sick- especially another parent,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement. “The amount of trauma and mental anguish that these girls have, and will endure in the future, is troubling to say the least.”

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