Ashanti Reveals She’s Ready To Get Married and Have Kids, Says There’s A Lot Of Guys That Want To Be My Baby Daddy and They’ve Tried


It looks like Ashanti is becoming very candid about her future plans as she recently revealed during an interview that she has plans on starting a family with a special someone; however, points out that

“I have to make sure it’s with the right person.” 

The singer went onto to tell PEOPLE

“Trust me, there’s a lot of guys that want to be my baby daddy — and they’ve tried.” 

Despite all of this, the


singer says she’s working hard so she can make all of this possible. Ashanti said,

“I’m hustling and doing what I need to do now, so I can chill a little bit.”

The actress went on to reflect on the type of mother she would be insinuating that she draws inspiration from her own mother. She told the news outlet,

 “If I have an ounce of my mom’s skills, I’m superior, honestly, because my mom is the s—.” 

Ashanti continued,

“My dad is cool too, and my sister. But my mom’s a different breed. They don’t make human beings like my mom.”

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